2020 Greater Toronto Area SAA Conference
A Vision for You
Saturday, February 29, 2020
St Andrew’s United Church
117 Bloor St. East, Toronto
In working a searching and fearless moral inventory of myself, I can see my past self more clearly. In breaking its bonds, I can view my past with acceptance, love and compassion.
- Inspired by the July 21 entry in Voices of Recovery, published by the International Service Organization of Sex Addicts Anonymous.
Working the Twelve Steps can equip an addict with the tools for viewing one’s past and present with a clearer vision. Through listening, reviewing, sharing, and learning, this conference offers sex addicts the wisdom and support of a strong and growing fellowship.
In line with Tradition Three, the only requirement for registration for this conference is a desire to stop addictive sexual behaviour. This conference is a “closed” event, for sex addicts and those who think they may be sex addicts.
Registration for the February 29, 2020, SAA GTA Conference is now open.
Registration is $20 per person, which includes light refreshments. Attendees are responsible for their own lunch.
You can register by filling the form, then remitting payment via PayPal to this address: treasury@saatoronto.org. Pre-conference registration allows for better planning. Registration and payment in cash will be available at the door on the day of the conference.
If you wish to donate more than $20, any additional funds will be allocated toward a small number of 'free' registrations for members who may not have the financial means to attend.
What You Can Expect
As addicts, we strengthen our recovery by connecting with our fellows, sharing our experiences and being part of a healthy recovery community. We've planned a full day of presentations and workshops that will help you in working towards “2020: A Vision for You”.
GTA SAA Potluck & Inventory
Date: Saturday June 15, 2019
Time: 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Place: 686 Broadview Avenue
2019 SAA GTA Conference
Gratitude in Action
Saturday, Feb. 19
St Andrew’s United Church
117 Bloor St.
Registration for the February 19th SAA GTA Conference is now open! Tickets are $15 per person, including refreshments. Attendees are responsible for their own lunch. You can register by remiting payment via PayPal to this address: treasury@saatoronto.org. Alternatively, you can register with your inter-group representative, or pay at the door on the day of the conference.
In line with Tradition Three, the only requirement for registration for this conference is a desire to stop addictive sexual behaviour.
Note: If you wish to donate more than $15, any additional remittance will be allocated towards a small number of 'free' tickets reserved for members who may not have the financial means to attend.
What You Can Expect
As addicts, we strengthen our recovery by connecting with our fellows, sharing our experiences and being part of a healthy recovery community. We've planned a full day of presentations and workshops that will help you put Gratitude in Action!
Topics will include:
- Step One: Understanding the Mental Blank Spot and Mental Twist
- Sexual Anorexia: Moving Towards Intimacy
- Cross Addiction: The Whack-A-Mole Effect
- The Next Frontier: Emotional Sobriety
- Steps 4-9: Mini & Mindful
- Getting Uncomfortable in the Outer Circle
- Making Art from Sobriety
- Living in the Outer Circle
- Introduction to Two-Way Prayer
- Courage to Change
- Panel: Challenges and How I Overcame Them
- A Special Keynote Speaker
- Fellowship
- Much More!
If you have any questions, please contact us at specsrus@hotmail.com
Summer Potluck - September 2018
Date: Saturday, September 22, 2018
Starting Time: 11:30 a.m.
Place: 686 Broadview Avenue
Come join us for our annual summer potluck and fellowshipping event! We will first have a special meeting in order to review the past year for SAA Toronto and share ideas on what we did well, where we could improve and possibilities for outreach. After the meeting we will enjoy a potluck style meal together and engage in fellowshipping with our SAA brothers and sisters. We encourage you to bring something for the potluck, but if you can’t you are welcome all the same.
Hope to see you there!
2018 SAA GTA Conference
Live the Solution
Saturday, Feb. 24
St Andrew’s United Church
117 Bloor St.
Registration for the February 24th SAA GTA Conference is now open! Please sign up now to reserve your seat, space is limited.
In line with Tradition Three, the only requirement for registration for this conference is a desire to stop addictive sexual behaviour.
Tickets are $30 per person and if you book before February 10th your ticket includes a lunch of sandwiches, salad, and other refreshments.
Your ticket must be paid for in advance to guarantee your spot. Please remit payment via PayPal to this address: saaconference2018@gmail.com.
Note: If you wish to donate more than $30, any additional remittance will be allocated towards a small number of subsidized tickets reserved for members who may not have the financial means to attend at the full price.
What You Can Expect
As addicts, we strengthen our recovery by connecting with our fellows, sharing our experiences and being part of a healthy recovery community. We've planned a full day of presentations and workshops that will help you Live the Solution!
Topics will include:
- Dealing with Cross-Addiction
- Restoring your Relationships
- How to Start Sponsoring in the Program
- Living in the Outer Circle
- Gay Men in Recovery
- Step Study and Review
- A Special Keynote Speaker
- Fellowship
- Much More!
For out out-of-town guests, accommodations at the nearby Town Inn Suites have been securted at a very reduced rate!
The promotional price is valid for Friday, February 23rd (the night before the conference), and includes 750 square-feet of sun-filled space, airy living and dining area, and deluxe granite counter tops in a fully-equipped kitchen.
- King Bed
- Fully-Equipped Kitchen with Granite counter tops and stainless steel appliances
- City Views
- Sleeps up to 2 Guests
Click to Book Accommodations
Promo Code: "saacon"
If you have any questions, please contact us at saaconference2018@gmail.com
The Flyer
GTA SAA Fellowship 2017 Summer Social
How are we doing?
On Saturday, September 16, the regularly scheduled 9:30 meeting of SAA was followed by a welcome for all SAA Greater Toronto Area meetings to discuss:
"Our Messages": How are we doing at getting out the message of the 12 Steps and the work of recovery?
- For Newcomers – what we do, and what could we do better, regarding:
- outreach: through many sources and channels
- welcoming at meetings
- helping newcomers realize: I need to come back, I want to come back
The notes from the meeting are now available.
A potluck and fellowship followed on that perfect late-summer day.
SAA GTA Conference 2017
The Power of We
Engaging the Mind, Body and Soul
February 25th, 2017
St. Andrew's United Church, 117 Bloor St. East
2017 Conference Highlights
- Keynote Speaker: Sharing what the "Power of We" means for them, in context of our program of recovery.
- Topic Discussions:
- Topic Lead shared how the topic was meaningful to them; participants then shared their thoughts and related experiences.
- - Topic Monitor recorded themes and insights arising from the discussion, which are provided here for your interest:
- Healthy sexuality in recovery – what does it look like?
- Prayer – Step 3 – Step 7 – Step 11
- How we engage in self-sabotage
- Dealing with imperfection
- How can my relationship with God evolve?
- Emotions – how to get out of my head?
- What are the ways to build a practice of accountability and overcoming the fear of checking in?
- How to avoid co-dependency
- introduction to Meditation in the Tibetan Buddhist Lineage
gratitude for facilitator Pat G:
Many people were talking days afterwards of how much they appreciated your meditation workshop. Speaking for myself, I am so grateful that you came all the way down to offer your wisdom, experience, strength and hope. Your contribution to the conference made it all the more valuable and memorable.
gratitude for facilitator Pat G:
- Panel Discussion on Tools for Maintaining Sobriety
- a panel of members with long-term sobriety focussed on tools they successfully used at different stages of their recovery, to obtain and sustain their sobriety.
- Toolbox for Sobriety handout
- Outer Circle!
- Courtesy of the SAA GTA Band!
- Congrats to a wonderful team of volunteers who made a huge impact on others. A conference like we experienced today doesn’t happen without a lot of planning and hard work.
- This was one of the best SAA GTA conferences ever. I especially liked the exercises in the morning where we had to introduce ourselves to people we do not know.
- The band was so special. The theme. The workshops. The keynote speaker.
- To all who worked so hard to put that conference together: Thanks so much. It was a really special day - full of experience, strength and hope. I am very grateful to you all.
- Definitely one of the most powerful conferences I've experienced in 16 years of them!!
- Brava to all.... Service, Unity, Love & Fellowship.
- It has been extraordinarily inclusive, thoughtful and pragmatic.
- My congratulations to all on a truly outstanding SAA GTA conference. The bar has been raised many notches for any future conferences and I have no doubt that the membership will fondly remember this event for many years to come.
- Gratitude to the conference Organizing Committee for a truly excellent conference.
- I am grateful (for the Conference) committee, knowing that (the) best decisions are made by group conscience. Congratulations on an excellent event. Looking forward to next year…
- It just proves the power of WE!
Feedback from previous conferences
- Workshops were very useful. Topics seemed to cover a range of issues, which gave attendees a lot of different choice.
- All of the workshops were useful and I appreciated the variety of talks mixed with more interactive workshops.
- The workshops were excellent. With 2 streams happening at the same time there were many difficult choices.
- The conference instilled a wonderful feeling all day long, that I could be myself with everyone I talked to.
- I met and connected with other members -- it enriched my recovery and program, and getting out of isolation. Last but not least, the city of Toronto was an incredible experience makes me want to live there.
- The conference made me rethink my program.
- It was great to be surrounded by others who are making a daily commitment to staying healthy.
- I appreciated how dedicated the volunteers who organized it were - it inspired me to see how much work people can put into service.
- I am not alone in this addiction and there is hope out there.
- The onsite food was good!
You might want to download a copy of our 2017 postcard.